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Dude, this game kicks fucking ass.

Taking away the crappy and floaty movement, it was honestly a really cool experience.

Really good idea of you implementing the grappling physics of your previous game.

Rock on, freaky dude.

im sorry but i loved this game at the start but i finished the game and its trash wth is the ending bro! im gonna say this nicely.. CHANGE THE ENDING! PLEASE


I had fun with this game. There aren't too many dino fps games out at the moment and this one had some cool ideas(big map, hook gun) . Though I will say that the constant knockdown is incredibly janky amd annoying. 3 shotgun shells to kill one raptor is also a bit much


me divertí mucho con el juego, la mecánica del gancho me encanto y la verdad lo recomiendo totalmente 

hmm... this seems suspiciously like jurassic park:tresspasser

my guess is that its inspired by that game

jurassic pzrk is cool

i need help with the install instructions

Download and open Crashlanded.rar

(if you can't open it, you need to install Winrar or 7zip first)

Drag&Drop the folder anywhere you want.(like the Desktop)

Then open that folder and open Crashlanded.exe

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Such an awesome game, keep up the good work. I would recommend adding a mini-map in the corner or maybe one that you can find in the world. Although the searching aspect is nice, I think having a map that you can keep on your character would be nice. Again, amazing work with this game.


Thanks, it's a good suggestion.


legit one of the best games ever